Hi there, it’s just me…

I just thought I’d re-introduce myself.

My name is Stephanie, I am a sonographer by day but my more grueling (and rewarding) jobs are wife to my husband of 9 yrs (we’ve actually been together for 17 yrs!) and mom to my two beautiful boys!  I am also now a marching band mom as my oldest is in his first year of marching band and loving it!  My youngest is in 2nd grade, where does the time go?

I have other blogs and have used them in the past mainly for reviewing books and book tours.  I had to stop doing that although I very much love to read, because I was spending way too much time on it and needed to reconnect with my family.  I have since really wanted a blog where I could just write whatever I feel like writing whenever I feel like it (and get the time).  I can’t say right now how often I’ll be posting but I usually have something to say about many random things.

I am an extrovert, an extreme extrovert actually and I do talk a lot, as my mainly introverted husband would definitely attest to.  As I said, my main goal for this blog is to just have a place to say whatever’s on my mind.  I will often voice my opinion on controversial subjects and while I don’t mean to judge anyone for what they do or believe, I’m sure some will be offended at some point.  Just remember, this is merely my own opinion and I don’t in any way wish to try to force my ideas on anyone else, so if you do get offended, please just move on and I hope you keep reading because quite likely you will agree with me on some other idea I have.

It’s my Friday so I’m going to pick up my baritone playing 7th grader from practice and head home to relax and hopefully force myself to walk on the treadmill.  Have a great weekend everyone, maybe you’ll be hearing from me soon….

6 thoughts on “Hi there, it’s just me…

  1. stephsgrn says:

    And of course, thanks to OM!!


  2. Angie Mc says:

    Hi, Stephanie, glad to meet you via Jason/OM. I look forward to reading more from you 🙂


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